Cititel Hotel Penang

Cititel Hotel Penang is smartly placed within Upper Penang Road as it is in the center of several major attractions, providing easy access to local attractions such as St. Francis Xavier Church, Little India, al fresco cafes and hip bars as well as Penang’s Heritage Trails and Cheong Tze Mansion. It is a superb option for tourists who wish to explore the city by walking. Every guestrooms of this popular Penang hotel is fitted with standard facilities and toiletries. This hotel’s offers 4 on-site restaurants which is famous of international and local Malayan delicacies .

Cititel Hotel Penang is also well experienced and well facilitated for special events as well as business meetings as its conference hall is able to accommodate up 750 persons. A 24-hour currency exchange and a travel information service is accessible at the front desk. Business or leisure and travelers will find Cititel Hotel Penang as a modest accommodations well-designed for their comfort and convenience.

Address: 66, Jalan Penang, 10000 Pulau Pinang

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